
Wow what an incredible weekend. I’m very happy to say that things have really turned around from my last blog. Friday night was the big game. On the 19th play of the game I was blocking a pioneer. I took a step back and something pushed on my ankle really hard. It collapsed along with the rest of my 220lbs on top of it. I got up and ran to the new line of scrimmage in the way a deer would run if it was missing one of it’s front hooves. After the drive I came off and got it tapped. “How’s it feel?” said Matt ( our trainer who has seen me many a time throughout the years ). “Fine, just a little unstable.” That was a lie. I played through it though. It was 7 – 17 at half. Our defense held their own, but our offense was struggling. At halftime we all knew we could be playing better. Our coach gave us a hell of a speech. It gives me chills just thinking about it. In the 3rd quarter we held the score, but in the fourth we unleashed hell on them. We scored 5 touchdowns in the last 12 minutes… the final score was 42- 23. Something clicked between all 11 of us in that moment. We all looked at each other. None of us said a word, but we all knew what had to be done. It just came one after another after another… I remember my thought process after each; “Ok we’re still in this (14-17), come on defense just hold them from here (21-17), Yes but it’s not over yet (28-17), OH MY GOSH WE WON (35-17), wow they just gave up (42-23). At the end of every game we all line up on the 50 and high five the other team to say good game. I lead the line because I had to keep my team from talking shit. I so was happy. After we broke it out I ran to the stands and hugged my mom. We cried for a split second and then I ran to catch up with my teammates who were getting ready to party in the locker room. I limped up the hill and to my left the guy I blocked the whole night was walking up the stairs of the stadium. I hugged him as well.

On the bus ride back a feeling emptiness came over me. My teammates we’re have the times of their lives on the bus and eventually in the locker room, but I was battling this feeling. I had no clue where it was coming from. Eventually it hit me. I texted the person “I would be telling this” too ( Read my last post if you don’t get this ). I met her at Bdubs along with some other friends of ours. Let just say we will be talking a lot more again. On a completely different note I tried a blazin hot wing. I cried and stomach hurt for the next 48 hours, but it was pretty funny though.

I woke up to my lovely 7am alarm and an extremely sore ankle. Morning practice we just watched film. I saw the trainer again and my ankle is sprained in two different places which is why you will all see me limping around in class tomorrow. I went home took a four hour nap and woke just in time to go to homecoming. I got the joy of hearing the line “Oh my gosh Alex what happened?!” over and over again. Although it was the perfect excuse not to dance. I hate dancing… It was still an amazing night. I danced a little. I stuck to one move the whole night. It resembled John’s last move right before the credits role at the of The Breakfast Club on a loop to whatever song was destroying my ear drums in that moment. After that we all went to top golf. It’s nice to see them on a night where I’m not half dead after practice. I don’t get to see them as much as I did over the summer. Sunday was a relaxing recovery day.

Crazy how a few days ago I was so lost. So tired and sad I could barely function. Now couldn’t be happier to start my week. “I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn’t need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn’t need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn’t be God” (Jon Bellion, Maybe IDK).

Published by alexlovesblogging

I am cool guy

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